v0.65 of DOSDoom (a port of the Linux Version of DOOM) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This port is now developed by the DOSDoom Team (dmaddock@xtra.co.nz) -This port was originally written by Chi Hoang (cyhoang@acs.ucalgary.ca) -The official DosDoom homepage now at http://www.frag.com/dosdoom -DOSDoom has been developed with help from various authors (see credits.htm) -DOOM is copyright ID software (www.idsoftware.com) -This port is not endorsed by id software, so don't bug them about it -No responsibility is taken for any damage that may be done by this program ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you unzipped with directories!!! You can get the original linux-doom source at ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/source/doomsrc.zip What files you need to now about: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Program Files (needed for DOSDoom): -/dosdoom.exe - The Program itself -/dosdoom.wad - WAD file containing additional info needed by DOSDoom -/anims.ddf - DDF file for wall and floor/ceiling animated textures -/attacks.ddf - DDF file for creatures to attak each other with. -/mission.ddf - DDF file for intermissions, title screens and missions. -/default.ldf - DDF file for languages and translations. -/levels.ddf - DDF file for levels. -/lines.ddf - DDF file for linedef special types. -/creature.ddf- DDF file for monsters and players -/items.ddf - DDF file for items -/scenery.ddf - DDF file for gibbed bodies, candelabras, teleport flashes and other non interactive things. -/sectors.ddf - DDF file for sector special types. -/sounds.ddf - DDF file for sound effects -/switch.ddf - DDF file for switch textures -/weapons.ddf - DDF file for player weapons. We encourage editing of the DDF files. Program Files (optional) -/dosdoom.cfg - DOSDoom Config for Sound, Joysticks and video. -/default.cfg - DOSDoom Main Config File for controls, DOOM settings. -/cwsdpmi.exe - DPMI Provider, needed to run in DOS. Not needed if you will always run in Windows 9x Documentation: -/docs/dosdoom.txt - This File -/docs/doomlic.txt - ID's License regarding the source code -/docs/ddf_main.html - DDF explanation -/docs/radius.html - Radius triggers explanation. Note some things have changed since v0.64 -/docs/logs/changes.log - Log of all code changes from V0.61 onwards Whats new (in v0.65): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -DDF: Tables are no longer stored in exe. -added needed wads to source dist -added some troubleshooting notes to the end of the user notes -sky fixed in all resolutions. Thanks to Matthew J Legowski -Updated Dutch support. Thanks to Arno Slagboom (arnos@freemail.nl) -Many linux improvements contributed by Eduardo Casino-Almao (eduardo@medusa.es) -New music and sound code Support for MUS, MOD and MP3 music files (see music.htm). - CD Atmosphere support - MOD and S3M support based on JGMOD. http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/vista/8890/ - MP3 support based on dosamp based on amp-0.7.5 by Tomislav Uzelac dosamp is by Ove Kaaven amp-0.7.5 is by Tomislav Uzelac - Missile Teleportation off/on/silent - Player Teleportation Speed normal/quick/quickest - Fixed the crosshair so it re-adjusts when full screen. - Pulsating crosshair. - Extended network setup packet, sends all the information from the gameplay menu to all other machines so there are no consistency errors. - Fixed the demo's so they play properly again, (AdvancedAI was using P_Random, so the demo's were getting the wrong numbers) There is now a J_Random :) function which should be used for random numbers for addons to stop this from re-occuring. - disabled the gameplay menu also while in a netgame (you can undo that if you wish, but I personally think it's better to reduce consistency errors). -Radius Scripting (player goes within a radius causes an event - check this out!) Scripting for new levels or existing ones (see radius.htm). -Options menu reorganised and graphical titles used -new deadly former humans setting (spider demon is also a nightmare here) -new startup sequence -monster respawn setting in the menu -monster infighting setting in the menu -graphical titles for menu -cd audio volume in the menu -code clean up (rationalising etc) -updated german support (Thanks to TwoFace) -new cheat codes: 'idgive1' - gives chainsaw. 'idgive2' - gives shotgun + full ammo. 'idgive3' - gives double-barrel shotgun + full ammo. 'idgive4' - gives chaingun + full ammo. 'idgive5' - gives missile launcher + full ammo. 'idgive6' - gives plasma rifle + full ammo. 'idgive7' - gives BFG + full ammo. 'idunlock' - gives all the keys. 'idloaded' - gives all the ammo. 'idsuicide' - suicide. 'idtakeall' - takes all stuff away. 'idinfo' - replaces 'showinfo'. 'idkillall' - replaces 'hotaru'. -'idinfo' gives numerical x,y coordinates for scripting Whats New over the Original Doom: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi-Colour Mode Higher Resolutions (up to 1280x1024, compared to 320x200 in the original) 64 Level Translucency Jumping 180-degree turn user-definable gravity Controls Configurable in the Game 8-Player Support New gameplay options Mouse-look Radius Scripting for existing and new levels Music support for MP3, MOD and loads more CD Audio Overlap Map Function Rotate Map Function LOADS MORE! User Notes ^^^^^^^^^^ -use wads from doom v1.9!!!!!!!! -networking should only be compatible with doom v1.9 if you don't use extra features (ie: everything in gameplay options must be turned off, gravity should be at default) -Everything in gameplay options MUST be the same for all computers in a network game. -played demos should be from doom v1.9 -if you have an order video card without vesa2 linear frame buffer, you might be able to speed up doom by getting SDD at http://www.scitechsoft.com -On a slower machine, dosdoom is slower than the original doom.exe, while on a newer machine, dosdoom is faster than the original doom.exe -using double-buffering may improve speed significantly, but it also could slow things down. -to do networking, rename dosdoom.exe to doom2.exe and run dm.exe (dm.exe is DeathManager which comes with doom v1.9) -You could use CapLock to always run - when its on, use shift to walk -Removed limits on maxvisplanes, maxdrawsegs, maxvissprites, and max savegame size for u level designers out there :) -If the DOSDOOM environ var exists, dosdoom will look in that directory for default.cfg -new cheatcode: type 'idkillall' to kill all monsters -new cheat code 'idinfo', which will show fps/time/position/kills/etc in single player and fps/time in multiplayer -'idinfo', 'cdnext', 'cdprev', and 'idmus??' are allowed in deathmatch -MIDI support is now in DosDoom - just use the midi file in place of the mus file -You can press PrintScreen to take a screenshot at any time -player 5-8 starts are things 4001-4004 (for you level designers out there) -you need a new ipxsetup for 8 player support -If the mouse hangs, you could try adding mouse=ms to dosdoom.cfg NOTE TO PROGRAMMERS: Please see coders.txt if you wish compile DOSDoom. Command Line Parameters: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -gwaddir dir Sets the location of the doom wad -iwad dir Sets the location of the doom wad. Can be either a directory to search or the full pathname. -debugfile Writes a debug file to debug0.txt where 0 is the player number. Only available in the DEVELOPERS edition. -config ??? Sets the config file to ??? (default default.cfg) -andymagic Turns genetic experiments with paint on. -nomonsters Turns off monsters. -turbo ??? Makes console player faster by ??? % -file ??? Adds custom data file ???. If ??? is not a wad file, it will be added as a single lump. -playdemo ??? Plays demo ???. -timedemo ??? Plays demo ??? with -singletics and displays fps. -singletics Turns off 35 fps max framerate. DOSDoom plays as fast as possible. -skill Sets skill level 1 - 5 -avg Levels will end after 20 minutes. -timer ??? Levels will end after ??? minutes. -warp ??? Warp to map ???. Map should be given by map names, ie -warp map01 or -warp e3m2 -script ??? Loads radius trigger script ??? -record ??? Records a demo called ??? -loadgame ??? Loads game ??? -viewangle [player] Modifies the view so instead of looking forward, the view looks 90 is left, 270 is right. The optional player is the player to view. Only useful in network games. -lang ??? Sets the language to ??? -ddf ??? Sets the directory to load ddf files from. -fast_startup Speeds up the load time. -nodrawers Doesn't draw the screen. For timing purposes -extratic Sends a backup tic for net games. -dup Turns on tic duplication for slow nets -heapsize ??? Sets the amount of memory to use in megabytes. -ihatebill Turns on Windows friendly mode. -nosound Disables sound + music. -UseC Don't use assembler drawing routines. -forcevga Use standard vga for 320x200 even if a vesa mode is availiable -dblbuffer Use hardware double buffering. Might be faster, especially at hi-res and hi-color modes. You could use timedemo to check. This may not work on all computers. (Note: on most video cards, this will be slower if you use lotsa translucency) -heapsize ??? Sets heapsize to ??? megabytes. (default 6) Increase if you get out of memory errors at very-high resolutions or big maps -cdaudio Turns on cd-audio support. Use the new cheat codes CDNEXT and CDPREV to go forward or back a track. Use IDMUS?? to change to a specific track. -patches All wavetable patches should be loaded into memory on start up instead of loading when needed. -nosound Turns off all sound -gfixspr \ -gfixflt | -gfixpat |- Sprites-in-a-pwad bugfix (Thanks to Martin Howe) -gfixsfp | See readme.sprites for more details. -gignrot | -gfixall / -UseCol ??? Uses column drawing routine ??? to draw walls and sprites. KM Smooth column drawing routine * id2 Original routine by id software optimised for 486 by Erik * id Original routine by id software * Pentium Pentium optimised routine * K6 MMX routine optimised for K6 by Erik Old Optimised routine by Chi Hoang Rasem Optimised routine by Rasem. C Compiler optimised routine. :-) * Not available in Hicolour. -UseSpan ??? Uses span drawing routine ??? to draw floors and ceilings. KM Smooth routine. * id2 Original routine by id software optimised by Erik * id Original routine by id software * MMX MMX routine by Erik Rasem Optimised routine by Rasem C Compiler optimised routine * Not available in Hicolour. -list Lists all column and span drawing routines. These Command-line Parameters can be Configured in the Options Menu: -mlook Enables mlook, so when you move the mouse up or down, it'll tilt your view up or down -invertmouse Makes it so when you move the mouse up, your view tilts down and vice-versa. Only useful with -mlook -vspeed Sets the vertical speed for both -mlook and the keyboard look up/down keys. (default 1000) -novert Turns off vertical mouse movement. Useful if you are used to +mlook. -newnmrespawn Makes monsters in Nightmare respawn in place -itemrespawn Item Respawning -stretchsky Stretches Sky for Better mlooking -rotatemap Makes the map view rotate, instead of having the player rotate -respawn Turns monster respawning on. -fast Turns monsters fast -newmap New automap-overlay mode. Press tab to switch to it. (Thanks to Dave Pearson) -swapstereo Swaps the stereo channels -bpp ??? Sets bytes per pixel: 1 = 256 colours, 2 = hi colour. -res w h w = x resolution (default 320) , h = y resolution (default 200) -width ??? Sets x resolution to ??? (default 320) -height ??? sets y resolution to ??? (default 200) -hicolor Enables hicolor mode Known Bugs: (don't email us about them) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -some demos get out of sync in dosdoom