Skirmish4b -> Skirmish4c: [!] Added 11 new maps (map100-map110). See details in skirmish4c.txt [+] Removed monsters from all maps [+] Added some new sounds from onslaught.wad [+] Optimized MAPINFO, found some original wads, authors and mapnames [+] Ambient sounds on maps 17,20,35,36,48,74,75 [-] Teleport on map79 didn't always work [-] Alligned existing textures on some maps [-] Fixed most map errors [*] Re-Added 3rd RL and box of rockets on map02 [*] Replaced teleport on map23 [*] Changed console background [*] Some textures, skies and music, according to original maps Skirmish4c -> Skirmish4d: [!] Replaced map16 with d5m18. See details in skirmish4d.txt [!] Replaced map44 with exec map01. See details in skirmish4d.txt [!] Replaced map59 with onsl3_ map01. See details in skirmish4d.txt [-] Fixed ambient sound loudness [-] Teleport on map08 didn't always work [*] Changed some map names to their originals [*] Removed all additional sounds Skirmish4d -> Skirmish4e: [!] Added 10 new maps (map111-map120). See details in skirmish4.txt [!] Replaced map45 by Elv I. See details in skirmish4.txt [!] Replaced map47 with Old West. See details in skirmish4.txt [+] Added custom cwilvs for some maps [*] Replaced map25 and map107 [*] Cleanup wad resources [*] Reset default gravity and aircontrol on map25 [*] Minor visual improvements [*] Converted all midis to mus [-] Fixed map05 name [-] Fixed aircontrol levels on map01 and map07 [-] Fixed lift problem on map83 [-] Fixed textures on map44 and map59 [-] Fixed map17 crash [-] Fixed walking on the sea on map78 [-] Fixed oldschool compatibility [-] Fixed music on map97 Skirmish4e -> Skirmish4e_: [-] Fixed water on map17 Skirmish4e_ -> Skirmish4f: [!] Converted all maps to Hexen format [+] Added a PK3 version [+] Added water splash [*] Converted all sounds to OGG [*] All textures have only one patch now [*] Removed custom title patches since they are broken in ZDoom [-] Fixed some textures on maps 112 and 113 [-] Fixed bridge on map05 [-] Fixed door sound on map40 Note: [!] - Important [+] - Added [-] - Fixed [*] - Changed