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Моды для Doom [15.02] Project Brutality
Моды для Doom [15.02] Doosk
Вокруг Doom [09.02] Doom8088
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Последние скачивания:
Doom 3:
Classic Doom 3
Портированный Doom:
nDoom 3
Doom Touch
Уровни для Doom:
Wayward Puritans
Игры на движке Doom:
Heretic 1.3
Уровни для Doom:
Текстуры и спрайты:
Doom Hi-Res Texture Pack Версия для Risen3D
Игры на движке Doom:
Hexen: Deathkings 1.1
Ремиксы музыки:
Acid Pits
Уровни для Doom:
Temporal Tantrum

Все для Doom (1 из 105)

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Содержание (1):
Demons From Hell
Demons From Hell
Doom II Remix
Yea The Terminator Is Back

Verse 1
My once ordinary life changed one day
When Demons arrived and I was there prey
I pulled out my plasma rifle and killed everything I saw
But everytime I killed some there was some more
Seargents and gunners firing from all directions
And tried to use any walls as protection
I then heard the groan of a evil Hell Knight
So tried to stay in the shadows and keep out of sight
I looked in the corner of my eye
To see hundreds of Cacodemons starting to fly
I pulled out my rocket launcher and shot them in the head
And all of those red suckers were dead

Автор текста: Terminator
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