Let the Obsession begin. Again. This time, the entire forces of the netherworld have overrun Earth. To save her, you must descend into the stygian depths of Hell itself! Battle mightier, nastier, deadlier demons and monsters. Use more powerful weapons. Survive more mind-blowing explosions and more of the bloodiest, fiercest, most awesome blastfest ever! Play DOOM II solo, with two people over a modem, or with up to four players over a LAN (supporting IPX protocol). No matter which way you choose, get ready for adrenaline-pumping, action-packed excitement that's sure to give your heart a real workout.


Version 1.3 of Void And Rainbow, fixed to work with recent lzdoom, gzdoom and questzdoom. Read more...

Void And Rainbow v1.3
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skdursh - - 580 comments

What is fixed exactly? I played this maybe a year ago and didn't notice any issues.

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emawind84 Author
emawind84 - - 3 comments

Just fixed the shader not compatible with OpenGL ES 3.1. It should work just fine on PC, no other changes except the shader file.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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