16.11.02 - MAZter
| Doom :), :
This picture was taken during DOOM development in 1993. This is the DOOM chainsaw sitting in a bucket, ready to be scanned by Kevin to create the image of the chainsaw in DOOM. The reason its in a bucket is because it leaked oil! Thats also why theres newspapers all around it. :) Heh heh, yes, the name of the chainsaw was Eager Beaver. The little Post-It Note next to the chainsaw says 'Borrowed from Ann Graver Holz'. Ann was Tom Halls girlfriend at the time and since she had a chainsaw (Most of us apartment-dwellers did not own a chainsaw!), she let Tom borrow it. Tom, um, forgot to give it back to her.....so........its still around. Tom is going to do something with it, probably sometime this year! Doom 3 -> Wallpapers
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: | Doom: | - , ...
| Doomzilla 15.02.25 | 0.7 0.71. , ...
| camper 12.02.25 | Doom: | ? . SETUP.EXE ...
| NeuRoSkiF 04.02.25 | Doom: | 3 - , ,
| Alex 31.01.25 | Doom: | PsyDoom Legacy of Rust -t? o_O ...
| lafoxxx [B0S] 30.01.25 | Doom: | . .
| Ilya Efimov 27.01.25 | . . ...
| Taw Tu'lki 26.01.25 | " "...
| Ilya Efimov 20.01.25 | Doom: | >Doomzilla . : -...
| Ilya Efimov 12.01.25 | >Ilya Efimov, , ...
| Doomzilla 11.01.25 | !
| Ilya Efimov 11.01.25 | Doom: | , 29 , ...
| Black_Raven 10.01.25 | , ...
| Black_Raven 10.01.25 | , . . ,...
| Black_Raven 10.01.25 | Doom: | -!
| MAZter[iddqd] 08.01.25 | (9585) |